Monday 26 June 2017

Swiss Roll Cookies


All Purpose flour - 1 3/4 cup
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Unsalted Butter - 150 g
Cocoa Powder - 2 tbsp
Vanilla Esc - 1 tsp
Salt - a pinch
Milk - As reqd

  • In a bowl add butter, sugar and vanilla esc and blend well.
  • Add salt, flour and mix well.
  • Add milk accordingly to attain dough consistency. 
  • Divide dough into two parts and in one portion add cocoa powder.
  • Knead both balls nicely.
  • Now wrap them in separate butter paper and refrigerate for few mins.
  • Now place a butter paper and place the vanilla layer.
  • Place one more butter paper on top and knead it to a rectangle shape.
  • In same way do the cocoa layer too.
  • Now place the cocoa layer on top of vanilla layer.
  • Roll them and wrap and refrigerate for few mins.
  • After few mins remove and cut them into roundels.
  • Roundels will resemble swiss roll.
  • Line butter paper in baking tray and place cookies.
  • Preheat oven(OTG) at 180°C and bake for 15-18 mins.

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