Monday 12 June 2017

2 Mins Apple UpsideDown Cake


Apple - 2 piece
Cinnamon powder - 1/4 tsp
Brown Sugar - 2 tbsp
Curd - 1 tbsp or Egg - 1/2 beaten
Sugar - 1 tbsp
Vanilla Esc - 1/2 tsp
All purpose flour - 3 tbsp
Butter - 1 1/2 tbsp
Baking soda - a pinch
Salt - a pinch

  • In a bowl add curd, sugar and mix up.
  • Then add melted butter,baking soda,vanilla esc and mix well.
  • Then add flour and mix up.
  • Peel apple skin and cut it into thin slices.
  • In a bowl add apple pieces,add brown sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and mix it up.
  • Arrange it in bowl in microwave high for 1 min.
  • Now pour the batter over this and pop for 1 more min.
  • Let it cool and turn upside down and serve.
Similar way we can do pineapple upside down cake and mango upside cake with mild variations. 

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