Tuesday 19 June 2018

Wheat Oats Bread #1

Wheat flour - 2 cup
Oats - 3/4 cup
Honey - 2 tbsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp 
Olive oil - 2 tbsp
Yeast - 1 1/2 tsp
Warm water - 3/4 cup
Warm milk - 1/4 cup 
Sugar - 1 tbsp

  • In a bowl take1/4 cup water and add sugar and mix well add yeast and mix well and set aside.
  • Soak the oats in 1/2 cup water.
  •  Mix wheat flour, honey and salt and whisk well.
  • Add in acitvated yeast mix to it and then add soaked oats to it.
  • Add in oil and knead the dough for at least 15 minutes till shinny and smooth.
  • Add the warm milk if needed (as the soaked oats have enough water in them so you need all or some of the milk mentioned).
  • Drizzle some oil and cover and set aside for an hr for proofing.
  • Once done punch it down and shape it in rectangle and roll it in a tight log
  • Place the loaf in a greased bread tin and brush it with some milk and sprinkle chia seeds and dried oats.
  • Cover it with cling wrap and leave it for second proofing for about 40 mins. 
  • Bake this in a preheated oven(OTG) at 200°C for 28-30 mins.
  • After first 15 mins lower the temperature to 180°C and bake it for another 15 mins.
  •  Brushing them with olive oil for the last 5 mins 
  • Take it out wait for 5 minutes before demoulding the bread to a wire rack.
  • Slice once it’s completely cool.

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