Tuesday 19 June 2018

Toddler Bites

Wheat flour - 2/3 cup
Ghee - 4 tbsp
Jaggery powder - 4 tbsp
Milk - 1-2 tbsp


  • Grind jaggery if there are any grits.
  • In a bowl add ghee and jaggery powder and cream well.
  • Sift flour and to jaggery powder and ghee mix.
  • It should be a sticky dough.
  • If it is dry add milk and make the dough.
  • Do not knead, just cover and set aside for 20 mins.
  • Roll out the dough and make desired shapes.
  • Arrange them in a lined baking tray.
  • Bake them in a preheated oven (OTG) at 170°C for 12-13 mins.
  • Cool this and store.

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