Sunday 17 June 2018

Orange Icecream


Oranges -3
Fresh cream - 1 cup
Powdered sugar - 1/2 cup
Lime juice - 1 tbsp
Lemon Zest - 1 tbsp


  • Cut the oranges on top.
  • Scoop out the pulp of oranges in a bowl.
  • Refrigerate the the orange peel(as in pic).
  • Now strain the juice in a bowl.
  • Add in lemon zest, lime juice and mix well.
  • Blend the cream for few mins and add orange juice mix.
  • Blend this well using electric hand mixer.
  • Cling wrap or pour in freezer safe bowl and freeze for 3-4 hours.
  • Remove it after desired time and mix well using spatula.
  • Again freeze for 5-6 hrs.
  • After desired use a spoon and prick all over.
  • Scoop and fill in the orange peels and with icecream.
  • Freeze this for 4 hours.
  • Serve the orange icecream in orange peel.

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