Tuesday 23 June 2015

Keerai Pappu & Carrot Pappu

Keerai Pappu:


  Thoor dhal - 1 cup(increase or decrease the qty based on greens).
  Onion - 1 (finely chopped)
  Tomato - 1 (finely  chopped)
  Sambar thool - 1-2 tbsp
  Greens - 1 bunch(Wash and finely chop it)
  Salt,Oil, Water - As Reqd.
  Temper - Mustard, Cumin Seeds

  • Boil Thoor dhal(add turmeric powder and hing).
  • Mash it off.
  • Heat oil and add temper items.
  • Then add onion,tomato and saute for a while.
  • Now add greens and saute.
  • Then add dhal, water, salt, sambar thool.
  • Let it boil for a while.

Carrot Pappu : Same as above, instead of greens use 1 finely chopped and boiled carrot. 
Carrot Pappu


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