Monday 22 June 2015

Snakegourd(Podlanga) Recipe #1 - My Version


  Snakegourd (podalanga)- 2 normal size
  Onion - 1
  Fennel seeds - 1 tbslp
  Coconut - 1 tbsp
  Sambar thool - 3-4 spoons
  Channa dhal - 1tbsp
  Salt, Water, Oil - As reqd.
  Temper - Mustard, cumin seeds, curry leaves

  • Cut snakeegourd into small pieces.
  • Soak kadalai parrupu in water for 10 mins then drain water.
  • Finely chop onion.
  • Add reqd water and grind coconut, fennel seeds(soambu).
  • Heat oil add mustard, cumin, onion, channa dhal and bottleguard.
  • Saute for 2-3 mins then add the paste & water.
  • Finally add sambar thool & salt, cook in low flame till it is roasted.

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