Saturday 1 April 2017

MiniCheckers N Marble Cookies


All Purpose flour - 1 3/4 cup
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Unsalted Butter - 150 g
Cocoa Powder - 2 tbsp
Vanilla Esc - 1 tsp
Salt - a pinch
Milk - As reqd

  • In a bowl add butter, sugar and vanilla esc and blend well.
  • Add salt, flour and mix well.
  • Add milk accordingly to attain dough consistency. 
  • Divide dough into two parts and in one portion add cocoa powder.
  • Knead both balls nicely.
  • Now wrap them in separate butter paper and refrigerate till it is firm.
Step 1:
  • Now take the dough out and divide each one into half.
  • Knead each half to rectangle, such that all four of same size.
  • Now take vanilla rectangle and brush it with water.
  • Now place cocoa rectangle on top and brush it.
  • Place all 4 alternatively and wrap it and refrigerate.
Step 2:
  • Take the dough out and trim the sides
  • Cut it vertically into four parts.
  • Take one strip and brush with water and place the other strips accordingly.
  • Place them in such a way that corners don't have same color.
  • When you look the corner it will be like checkerboard.
Step 3:
  • Now cut into equal sizes.
  • Collect the left over pieces and roll it.
  • It will be like marbles.
  • Line butter paper in baking tray and place cookies.
  • Preheat oven(OTG) at 180°C and bake for 15-18 mins.
In step 2 I cut the dough into horizontal strips and that is why it became minicheckers:))

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