Tuesday 11 April 2017

Biscuit Custard Pudding

Custard powder - 5 tbsp
Milk - 3 cups
Sugar - 4 tsp
Biscuits - 1 pack(Milk bikis or marie small pack)
Decoction - 2 tbsp
Sprinklers - As reqd

  • In a bowl add custard powder and little milk and mix it up.
  • In other bowl add milk and boil it.
  • Reduce the range and add sugar and keep stirring.
  • Add the custard powder mix and keep stirring.
  • Once it starts to thicken, turn off the range.
  • Let this aside to cool down.
  • Dip each biscuit in decoction and layer it.
  • Top it with custard mix.
  • Again layer it with biscuit and then with custard mix.
  • Form some 3-4 layers.
  • Top it with sprinklers and refrigerate for 3-4 hrs.
  • Should take it out of fridge 10-15 mins before serving.
  • You can cut this and serve.

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