Saturday 7 January 2017

Maava Kachori


For Dough:
Maida - 250 g
Ghee - 2 1/2 tbsp
Salt - Little
Water - As reqd

Sugar Syrup:
Sugar - 1 cup
Water - 3-4 tbsp
Saffron - Little

Koya - 1 cup
Mixed Nuts - 1/2 cup(badam, cashew, pistaochios)

  • Heat a pan and add sugar and water and let it boil.
  • Once it attains single string consistency, turn off range and add saffron.
  • In a bowl add maida, ghee,little salt and water and make dough (chapathi dough consistency).
  • In other bowl add koya and mix grated nuts.
  • Take small maida ball and keep this stuffing inside and flatten it.
  • Fry it in medium heat oil for 5-7mins till golden brown...
  • Immerse in sugar syrup for an hour.
  • Remove it and serve Maava kachori.

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