Thursday 5 January 2017

Apple Cinnamon Muffin

Maida - 1 1/2 cups
Apple - 2
Brown Sugar - 3/4 cup (increase or decrease depending on fruits sweetness)
Baking powder - 2 tsp
Egg -1
Milk - 1/3 cup
Oil - 4  tbsp
Vanilla Esc - 1 tsp
Cinnamon - 1 tsp
Powdered Sugar - 1 tbsp
Granulated Sugar - 1 tsp


  • Peel the apple and cut it into very small pieces.
  • Add cinnamon and to this and little flour and mix well.
  • In other bowl siff and take the dry ingredients(maida,brown sugar,baking powder) and mix well.
  • Add in egg and mix well.
  • Now in other bowl add oil, esc and milk and mix well.
  • Add this to dry ingredients and mix well.
  • Now add in the apples and mix well.
  • Batter consistency should be bit thick.
  • Grease the muffin pans and fill in the batter.
  • In a bowl mix cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle this on top of each muffin.
  • Preheat the oven at 200 °C and bake for 15-18 mins.
  • Dust it with icing sugar and serve.

  • There was no egg at home when I made this recipe.
  • I replaced it with little vinegar and baking soda, hardly 1/2 tsp each.

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