Monday 28 November 2016

Wheat Halwa


Wheat flour -  1 cup
Sugar - 2 cup
Cashews - 8-10
Ealichi powder - Little
Food color - optional

  • Dilute wheat flour in water without lumps.
  • Mix sugar with wheat flour batter and pour in pan and keep on stirring.
  • When it turns transparent putt off the range.
  • Heat ghee add cashews,elachi powder and add to this to halwa.
  • If needed add colur when you start stirring.
  • Add oil+ghee when the mixture starts boiling

Variation #1:
  • If you get halwa wheat wash and soak overnight and grind it.
  • Filter and take the milk. 
  • In pan add 2 parts of sugar and when it boils add the milk and colour(optional)and keep stirring.
  • When it starts to boil add ghee+oil and  it turns transparent then put off the range.

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