Monday 19 March 2018

Puff Pastry #1

Puff Pastry
Final Layer

Second fold

Second Roll Out

First Book fold

First Roll Out

Wheat Flour - 1 cup
All purpose flour - 1 cup
Unsalted butter - 200 g
Chill Water - 100 ml (more or less)
Salt - 1 tsp
Powdered Sugar - 1/2 tsp


  • In a bowl add in flour, salt, sugar and mix well.
  • Add 50 gms of chill cubed butter.
  • Mix them well with hands, it will be like crumbs.
  • Add chill water little by little and a soft dough.
  • Shape this dough to rectangle shape and cling wrap and refrigerate 30 mins.
  • After 30 mins, take the dough and place between butter paper.
  • Roll it to a thin rectangle.
  • Spread the remaining butter leaving edges.
  • Do a book fold and cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 mins.
  • Now again place the dough between two sheets and shape to a rectangle.
  • Do the book fold and roll again.
  • Again book fold and cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 mins.
  • Repeat the process of refrigerating and folding twice.
  • After that, roll the dough to a big rectangle and trim the edges.
  • You can shape and refrigerate if doing on same day.
  • Or you can freeze the sheets and use when needed.

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