Sunday 8 October 2017

Ellu Rice


White Sesame seeds - 3-4 tbsp
Dry red chilly - 3 - 4
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Urad  dal - 1/2 tsp
Curry Leaves - Little
Rice - 3/4 cup(boiled)
Oil, Water, Salt - As reqd


  • Dry roast sesamae seed, once it starts to crackle transfer to a plate.
  • Now add 3 chillies and roast it.
  • Add reqd salt and saute for few seconds.
  • Grind all this to fine powder.
  • Now heat oil in pan and add mustard, cumin and urad dal.
  • Add one chilly and curry leaves.
  • Add this to boiled rice, add the reqd grinded powder and mix with fork.

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