Sunday 30 July 2017

Coffee Choco Truffle


Fresh Cream - 1/2 cup
Butter - 1 tbsp
Coffee powder - 1 tbsp
White Chocolate (grated) - 1 cup
Dark Chocolate -  1 cup


  • In a pan add fresh cream and butter and boil it.
  • Once both are mixed nicely add coffee powder and mix up.
  • Low the flame and add white chocolate and wait till it melts.
  • Transfer this to a bowl and refrigerate.
  • By double boiler method, melt dark chocolate and set aside.
  • Scoop the refrigerated stuff and dip in dark chocolate and arrange in a tray.
  • Repeat the same process, and refrigerate.
  • While serving drizzle white chocolate.
  • Yummy coffee choco truffle is ready.

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