Monday 8 June 2020

Egg Fingers


Egg - 5
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Black pepper powder - 1 tsp
Bread Crumbs - 1 cup
Salt , Oil - As reqd

All purpose flour - 2 tbsp
Corn flour - 2 tbsp
Pizza seasoning - 1 tsp
Kashmiri Chilly pwoder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - Little


  • In a bowl add 4 eggs and whisk well.
  • To this add turmeric powder and pepper powder.
  • Add salt and mix well.
  • Pour this in a greased bowl.
  • In a pressure cooker place a stand and place the bowl(with egg mix) over it.
  • Cover the bowl with lid and close the cooker.
  • Steam this for 8-10 mins, in medium flame.
  • Invert the steamed egg to a plate.
  • Cut it into strips and set aside.
  • In a plate add ingredients under "Coating".
  • Mix this well.
  • In other bowl break and egg and whisk it.
  • Now dust the strips in flour mix and dip it in egg batter.
  • Roll it in crumbs and again dip in batter and coat with crumbs.
  • Repeat the same with other strips.
  • Heat oil in pan and fry these.
  • Serve the egg fingers with sauce.

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