Wednesday 29 April 2020

Puff Pastry #2 - Quick pastry


Wheat flour - 125 g
All Purpose flour - 125 g
Dalda - 125 g (50 -75)
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Water - 1/2 cup + As reqd


  • In a bowl add in flour and salt and mix well.
  • To this add 50 g of dalda and rub it with flour.
  • It should be like crumbs.
  • Now add water little by little and make a soft dough.
  • In other bowl add in 75g of dalda and mix well with spoon(soften it).
  • No dust the floor and place the dough.
  • Sprinkle flour on top and roll out the dough.
  • Roll it to a big rectangle.
  • Now dalda and fold it half from top to bottom(Refer Pic)
  • Now roll from bottom to top like a book.
  • Invert it.
  • Roll it gently to a rectangle and again apply dalda.
  • Repeat this apply and fold process thrice.
  • Finally roll it out to a long rectangle and cut it.
  • Quick puff pastry is ready.
  • Yields 6 sheets.

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