Saturday 11 December 2021

Rosemilk Cake #2 - Eggless


All purpose flour - 120 g
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Baking soda - 1/2 tsp
Milk - 62.5 ml
Curd - 125 ml
Oil - 62.5 ml
Sugar - 100 g
Rose Esc - a drop
Rosemilk Esc - 1/4 tsp or as reqd
Vanilla Esc - 1/4 tsp


  • In a bowl add in milk and rosemilk esc and mix well and set aside.
  • In a bowl add in curd and baking soda and set aside for 5 mins.
  • It will bubble up.
  • Add in sugar, oil and whisk well.
  • Add in flour, baking powder and mix well.
  • Now add rosemilk and rose esc and whisk well.
  • Pour batter in greased 6 inch tin or can bake in two 5 inch tins.
  • Bake this in preheated oven at 180 ℃ for 35-40 mins.
  • App the cake weighed 360 g.

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