Wednesday 2 January 2019

Homemade Paneer


Milk - 1 L
Curd - 3 tbsp


  • Boil milk in a pan.
  • Once boiled, reduce the flame.
  • Add in curd and stir well.
  • Cook in low flame, till whey water separates.
  • Now place a strainer over a bowl and place a cloth over strainer.
  • Pour in the curdled milk to this.
  • Wash the strained paneer in water twice.
  • Tie the cloth and hang it for an hour.
  • Doing this way we can remove the whey water completely.
  • After the desired time, flatten it and place a weight over it.
  • Set it aside for couple of hours or just refrigerate.
  • Then slice and have your homemade paneer.

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