Friday 31 August 2018

Bun Pizza


Wheat bun - 2
Pizza sauce- 1 tbsp
Onion - 1 (small dices)
Tomato - 1 (deseed and dice)
Red Chilly flakes - 1 tsp
Oregano -  1 tsp
Salt - 1/8 tsp
Cheese - 1/2 cup (grated)


  • Cut the buns into halves and set aside.
  • In a bowl add onion, tomato.
  • Add in chilly flakes, oregano, salt and mix well.
  • Apply pizza sauce in each bun and top with little grated cheese.
  • Now add onion topping and cover it with grated cheese.
  • Bake this in a preheated oven (OTG) at 200°C for 8-9 mins.

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