Friday 22 April 2016

Cinnamon Bread


Maida - 300gms
Yeast -  A little
Butter - 1 tbsp
Milk - 2-3 tbsp
Water - As Reqd
Chocolate Dazzle - 1/2 cup
Brown sugar - 4 tbsp or Castor sugar - 3-4 tbsp
Cinamaon powder - 1-2 tsp

  • In a bowl mix maida, yeast, butter, milk and water.
  • Make dough and set aside covered with muslin cloth.
  • Take the dough, knead it and release air bubbles.
  • Flatten it and apply chocolate dazzle fully (leave the corners).
  • If you have brown sugar use it if not take castor sugar mix cinamon powder with it and sprinkle it over the dazzle spread.
  • Tightly roll it and use thread and cut it.
  • Grease the pan with butter and arrange these and set aside for 15mins.
  • Then preheat oven for 180 degrees and bake for 15-20 mins.
  • Check in between.
  • Mix icing sugar in water and apply over the cake to give glossy effect.

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