Thursday 4 May 2017

Gems Ball Pinata


Milk  Chocolates - 50 g
Mould - Of ur choice
Gems or Candies
Gems ball Sticker


  • Melt the chocolate using double boiler method.
  • Once melted set aside for few mins.
  • Now pour this in cup cake mould and rotate to cover fully.
  • Invert and tap to remove excess.
  • Refrigerate for 5-6 mins.
  • After that again pour the chocolate and rotate.
  • Remove excess and refrigerate.
  • Slowly remove from mould.
  • I made two, I filled one cup with gems.
  • After that stuck both cups using melted chocolate.
  • Then apply chocolate on the edges of the sticker and finish it.
  • Gems ball pinata is ready.


  • I used silicon mould.
  • In same way you can use coke bottles and do.
  • Will post the same soon.

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