Tuesday 21 March 2017

Mirror Glaze


Sugar- 1 1/2 cups
Condensed Milk - 2/3 cup
Water - 1/2 cup + 1 tbsp
Gelatin powder - 2 tbsp
Water - 1/2 cup (this is to mix gelatin)
White Chocolate Chips - 2 cup or White Chocolate bar - 25g

  • In a pan, add sugar, condensed milk and water and boil it.
  • Keep stirring and reduce the range.
  • In other bowl take gelatin and add the water and leave it for few mins.
  • Once the gelatin is set add it to boiling mixture and keep stirring till gelatin dissolves.
  • Turn off range and let it cool.
  • Add desired food color you want and pour this onto a frozen cake.
  • The Glaze should be warm while pouring and not chill.
  • Frozen cake will be good for this.
  • I used white chocolate bar.
Variation #1: 

I did the glaze for a mini cake and here goes the measurement.
            Sugar - 1/2 cup
            Condensed Milk - 3.5 tbsp + 1/2 tsp
            Water - Less than 1/4  cup
            White Chocolate - 1/2 cup
            Gelatin powder - 1/2 tbsp

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