Tuesday 3 September 2019

Vanjiram (Sear) Fish Fry #4


Vanjiram Fish pieces - 500 g
Ginger garlic paste - 1 1/2 tbsp
Red Chilly powder - 2 tbsp
Pepper powder - 1 tsp
Corn flour - 2 tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Curry Leaves - a sprig
Oil - For deep frying


  • Clean the fish pieces and set aside.
  • Place them in a plate and apply ginger garlic paste to each fish piece.
  • Apply the paste on both side.
  • In a big plate add in chilly powder, pepper powder, corn flour.
  • Add salt and mix well and set aside.
  • Take the fish pieces and coat it with this powder.
  • Set this aside for 20-25 mins.
  • Now heat oil in pan.
  • Oil should be very hot.
  • Now reduce the flame and add in fish pieces.
  • Fry them for 2 mins for each side.
  • To the same oil add in curry leaves and top it on fish pieces.
  • Serve hot.

  • The more it marinates the spicy it turns.
  • So 20 mins marination is enough.

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