Friday 4 June 2021

CreamCheese Icecream / Red Velvette Icecream


Cream cheese - 55 g
Condensed milk - 3 tbsp
Whipping cream - 125 ml (app)
Vanilla esc - 1/2 tsp
Strawberry Sacue - 1/2 tbsp
Red Food Color - a drop
Chocochips - 2 tbsp (optional)


  • In a bowl add in cream cheese and condensed milk.
  • Whisk this for a min.
  • Add in whipping cream and whisk for 3-4 mins.
  • Like whisk till you get soft peaks.
  • Add in esc and fold gently.
  • Divide it in two bowls.
  • In one bowl add in strawberry sauce and food color and fold gently.
  • Now in a freezer safe bowl add dollops of each alternatively.
  • Make a swirl pattern.
  • You can add in chocochips before adding to bowl.
  • Now close it with lid and freeze for 6 hours or overnight.
  • Scoop and enjoy.


  • I skipped adding color and used strawberry sauce instead.
  • If you want red color you can skip sauce and add red color.
  • You can use homemade creamcheese too.

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