Tuesday 1 June 2021

Carrot Laddoo


Carrot - 250 g
Sugar - 100 g
Milk - 62.5 ml
Milk powder - 84 g
Desiccated coconut - 2 tbsp
Elaichi powder - 1/4 tsp
Cashews - 5 (fine chop)
Pistachios - 5 (fine chop)
Badam - 5 (fine chop)
Ghee - 1 tbsp


  • Peel the skin and grate the carrots and set aside.
  • In a pan add the grated carrots, ghee.
  • Cook in low flame for 2 mins.
  • Add in sugar, milk, elaichi powder and mix well.
  • Cook for app 10-15 mins, till the water evaporates and mixture is dry.
  • Add in chopped nuts, milk powder and mix well.
  • Add in desicated coconut and mix it.
  • Turn off range and let it cool for 5 mins.
  • Shape it like balls and serve.
  • Or roll the shaped ladoo in desiccated coconut for extra taste and serve.
  • Yields 12-15 laddoos.

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