Thursday 28 July 2022

Speculoos Chocolate Shell


White Chocolate - 70 g
Chocolate covered hazelnuts - 3-4
Biscuits - 4


  • Melt the white chocolate using double boiler method.
  • Set aside to cool a bit.
  • Use the small Kozukattai mould.
  • Pour the chocolate and swirl it such that it coats all sides and edges.
  • Refrigerate and then repeat again.
  • Carefully demould the shells.
  • This qty yields 5 shells app.
  • Now crush the biscuit and spread that on board.
  • Top it with bite size cake and sliced chocolate hazelnut.
  • Cover it with white chocolate shell.
  • Decorate as you wish.
  • Inspired by CWC Darshans Dish.

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