Thursday 13 February 2020

Coconut Marble Cake


Wheat flour - 250 g
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Baking soda - 1/2 tsp
Brown sugar - 2/3 cup
Curd - 1/2 cup or Egg - 2
Oil - 1/4 cup
Milk - 1/2 cup
Vanilla esc - 1 tsp
Dessicated coconut - 1/2 cup
Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp


  • In a bowl add curd and sugar and cream well.
  • If using eggs beat till color turns pale.
  • Add in oil and esc and whisk well.
  • Now add flour, baking powder and baking soda.
  • Mix well.
  • Add in milk and mix gradually.
  • Now add dessicated coconut and fold gently.
  • Divide batter in two cups. 
  • In one cup of batter add in cocoa powder and mix well.
  • In a greased cake thin, spoon the batter from each cup alternatively.
  • Dab it.
  • Use a toothpick and create marble pattern.
  • Bake this in a preheated oven (OTG) at 180℃ for 40-50 mins.


  • I halved the recipe and make a small loaf/
  • And two square cake each weighing 58 -60 g.

Coconut Nut Cake


Wheat flour - 275 g
Corn flour - 1 tbsp
Baking powder - 1 3/4 tsp
Baking soda - a pinch
Brown sugar - 170 g
Unsalted butter - 75 g
Dessicated cococnut - 60 g
Curd - 110 ml
Milk - 200 ml
Vanilla esc - 1 1/2 tsp
Cashewnuts - 15-20 (chopped)


  • In a bowl add butter and sugar and cream well.
  • Add curd and beat well.
  • In other bowl add flour, corn flour, baking powder and baking soda.
  • Mix well and add to wet ingredients.
  • Now add milk, esc and mix gradually.
  • Finally add dessicated coconut and mix gently.
  • Pour this batter in greased cake pan and dab it.
  • Top it with chopped nuts and press gently.
  • Bake this in a preheated oven (OTG) at 160 for 30-32 mins.


  1. I halved the recipe and baked and it yielded 8 pieces.
  2. With same measurement you can bake in two 7 inch cake pans too.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Orange Nut Muffin


Wheat flour - 100 g
All purpose flour - 20 g
Brown sugar - 100 g
Unsalted butter - 60 ml (melted)
Orange juice - 80 ml
Orange Zest - 1 tsp
Egg - 1
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Cashew nuts - 6-8 (chop)


  • In a bowl add egg and sugar and whisk well.
  • Add in melted butter,zest and orange juice.
  • Whisk well and set aside.
  • To this add flour, baking powder and mix well.
  • Pour this in a lined muffin tray.
  • Fill the batter to top in each muffin case.
  • Top with nuts.
  • Bake them in a preheated oven (OTG) at 200 for 18-20 mins.
  • Yields 6 muffins.

Kothambir Vadi


Coriander Leaves - 1 bunch
Besan flour - 1/2 cup
Rice flour - 1/4 cup
Red chilly powder - 1/2 tsp
Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp
Cumin powder - 1/4 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
White Sesame seeds - 1 tsp
Ginger - small piece
Garlic - 2
Green chilly - 2
Oil,Water, Salt - As reqd


  • Wash and clean corriander leaves.
  • Spread them in tissue paper.
  • Chop them and set them aside.
  • In a mortar and pestel, add ginger, garlic and chilly.
  • Crush them coarsely and set aside.
  • In a bowl add besan flour, rice flour, spice powders.
  • Add in sesame seeds, crushed mixture, salt and chopped coriander leaves.
  • Mix them up, add little water to bring the dough together.
  • Roll them into logs.
  • Grease a plate and place the logs.
  • Steam them for 10 mins.
  • Once done let it cool.
  • Slice it and arrange in plate.
  • Heat oil in pan and fry them.
  • Serve hot with sauce or green chutney.


  • You can shallow fry too.
  • If you find it spicy you can deseed the chilly before crushing.

Brownie Thins


Wheat flour - 4 tbsp
Brown sugar - 2 tbsp
Unsalted butter - 2 tbsp
Baking powder - a pinch
Dark chocolate chips - 1/4 cup
Milk - 3 tbsp
Vanilla esc - 1/4 tsp
Almonds - 3 tbsp (thin slices or flakes)


  • Using double boiler method, melt the chocolate and set aside.
  • To this add sugar, butter and mix well.
  • Add in flour, baking powder and esc and mix well.
  • Add milk to this and fold the batter.
  • If batter is too thick add little milk to adjust consistency.
  • Now grease and line the tray.
  • Pour the batter and spread it thin.
  • Dab it and top with alomond slices.
  • Bake this in a preheated oven(OTG) at 200°C for 15-18 mins
  • Yields 10-12 brownie thins.

French Fries


Potato - 4
Salt - 1 tsp
Vinegar - 2 tbsp
Pepper - 1/2 tsp or As reqd
Salt, Water, Oil - As reqd


  • Wash and peel potatoes.
  • Now cut the corners.
  • Hold it vertical and cut roundels.
  • Now cut 1/4 inch slices out of each.
  • In a pan add water, salt and vinegar/
  • Add potatoes to this and let it boil.
  • Boil it for 10 mins.
  • Now spread them in a tissue paper.
  • Dab gently with other paper to remove excess water.
  • Now heat oil in pan to fry them.
  • Once the oil is hot add the slices in batches.
  • Fry them for just for 50 seconds.
  • Spread them in a tray with lined tissue paper.
  • Let it cool for 30 minutes.
  • Once cool, transfer them to airtight container.
  • Store them in freezer.
  • It should be in freezer for min 2 hours.
  • When needed, heat oil and once it is hot.
  • Take the frozen fries and fry right away.
  • It will turn in golden color in app 3 mins or so.
  • Once done add required salt and pepper and toss.
  • Serve hot.

Mini Donuts #4

Donut Tower

After Second Proofing

For Second Proofing

After first proofing

For Proofing


Wheat flour - 220 g
All purpose flour - 25 g
Milk powder - 20 g
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Powdered sugar - 60 g
Unsalted butter - 30 g
Oil - 1 tbsp
Oil - For frying

  • In a bowl add sugar and yeast.
  • To this add half of luke warm milk.
  • Set this aside for yeast to activate.
  • Now to the remaining milk add butter and oil and set aside.
  • In other bowl add flour, milk powder and salt.
  • Mix well and set aside.
  • Once yeast is activated add to milk mixture and mix it.
  • Add this to flour and mix well.
  • Dust the surface with flour and transfer the dough.
  • Sprinkle little flour on top and knead till you get a soft dough(app 3-4 mins).
  • Place this in a bowl and set aside for first proofing.
  • It make take 1-1.30 hours depending on climate.
  • Once done punch the dough.
  • Roll out to 1/2 inch thick long rectangle.
  • Use cookie cutter or lid and cut circles(donut shapes).
  • Can use any nozzle or small lid to make holes.
  • Arrange them in a lined tray.
  • Set this aside for 30 mins for second proofing.
  • Heat oil in pan and fry them.
  • Or Bake them in a preheated oven (OTG) at 160°C for 20-22 mins.