Monday 5 July 2021

Anado Mal - Srilankan Snack


All purpose flour - 75 g
Salt - a pinch
Sugar - 1 1/2 tbsp
Oil - 1 tbsp
Egg - 1/2 or 27 g
Milk -  1 1/2 tbsp
Oil -to fry


  • In a bowl add flour, salt and sugar.
  • Mix it.
  • Add in oil and egg and mix it.
  • Add milk little by little and make a dough.
  • Dust the surface with flour and roll out dough.
  • Cut squares as in pic and shape each square as in video.
  • Heat oil in pan and fry these in medium flame.
  • Serve as such or you can dust powdered sugar and serve.


  • In actual recipe, they don't add sugar to dough.
  • They fry the shaped dough and add to sugar syrup instead.
  • Ratio for sugar syrup, water 1/2 cup and sugar 1/4 cup.
  • Soak it for 4-5 mins and serve.

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