Friday 16 December 2022

Khara bun - Iyengar Bakery Style


For 2nd Proofing

After Proofing

For 1st Proofing 


All purpose flour - 125 g
Wheat flour - 63 g (minus 2 tbsp)
Milk powder - 2 tbsp
Instant Yeast  - 1 tsp
Milk - 120 ml
Melted unsalted butter - 30 ml
Sugar - 1/2 tbsp
Salt - 3/4 tsp
Garlic - 6-8 (fine chop)
Onion - 1 (fine chop)
Coriander Leaves - 2 tbsp (fine chop)
Red Chilly Flakes - 3/4  tbsp


  • In a bowl add in flour, milk powder salt and mix well.
  • Add in sugar and yeast and mix well.
  • Add in onion, garlic, coriander leaves and chilly flakes and mix well.
  • Add in luke warm milk and mix to form a dough.
  • It will be sticky.
  • Add in melted butter and knead well.
  • Use scrapper and gather the dough.
  • Place this in a greased bowl and set aside for an hour for proofing.
  • After the hour, dust the surface with flour.
  • Take our the proofed dough and punch it and just knead for a min.
  • Then divide it into equal sized balls.
  • I divided into 55 g ball and one ball weighed 50 g.
  • Place this in a greased tray and set aside for second proofing.
  • Once it has doubled, apply milk wash to each bun.
  • Bake this in a preheated oven (OTG) at 200 for 15-18 mins,
  • Brush the buns with butter and serve hot.
  • Yields 7 buns.

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