Thursday 25 May 2017

Nannari Syrup / Extract

Nannari roots - 100g
Water - 2  1/2 cup
Sugar  - 1 cup
Lemon juice - 2 tsp


  • Use mortar and crush the roots and remove the white part.
  • Now add this to blender and blend coarsely.
  • Transfer this to a bowl and add water.
  • Leave it undisturbed overnight.
  • Next day strain and just take the syrup.
  • Now add sugar to this and mix well.
  • Transfer this to a pan and let it boil.
  • Keep boiling till you get single thread consistency.
  • It will take app 25 mins.
  • Let it cool and then add lime juice.
  • It will look like honey.
  • Transfer this to a container and refrigerate.

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